The Cherokee County Board of Commissioners has agreed to send letters of support for federal highway grant requests totaling $6.2 million by Canton and Holly Springs.
The cities are seeking funding through the Atlanta Regional Commission Transportation Improvement Program, according to a Cherokee County staff report.
Canton is requesting $3 million in federal funds, to be matched with $750,000 in local dollars, for intersection improvements at Ga. 140 and Riverstone Parkway/Marietta Highway; and a $1.92 million federal grant, requiring a $480,000 local match, to reconstruct the intersections of Ga. 140 and Shoal Creek Road and Mary Lane.
Holly Springs is seeking $1.28 million in federal funding to pay for preliminary engineering for its Hickory Springs Parkway Project, a 0.7-mile connector linking Hickory Springs Industrial Drive and Holly Springs Parkway. This request will entail a $320,000 local match.
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