The city of Chamblee recently celebrated the ribbon cutting of Ultimate Air Shuttle, a public charter flight service.

That company operates on a published schedule and seats are sold to the general public according to regulations issued by the Department of Transportation. Charter flights are performed by Ultimate JetCharters LLC., an air carrier that is certified by the Federal Aviation Administration to provide charter services with 30 seat aircraft.

Ultimate Air Shuttle provides jet shuttle service to New York City (via Morristown, NJ), Chicago (via Midway Airport), Charlotte (via Charlotte Douglas Airport), Cleveland (via Burke Lakefront Airport) and Atlanta (via DeKalb Peachtree Airport). All destinations are serviced from Cincinnati’s Lunken Airport.

Ultimate Air Shuttle began in 2009 with service out of Cincinnati to New York City. After 14 months and thousands of passengers, it expanded to Chicago. The Charlotte shuttle began in 2012, followed by service to Cleveland in 2015. The most recent additions are shuttles to Atlanta from Cincinnati and Cleveland.