As of July 31, the city of Brookhaven’s 2017 paving schedule is 90 percent complete with 51 roads (9.24 miles) of the roads having been repaved so far.
In June, the city experienced nearly 8 inches of rainfall which was approximately double the historical average. This impacted the paving/resurfacing progress with projects being delayed for several days to a week or more. Despite these atypical weather events, the 2017 paving program was able to stay on track and on target for on-time completion.
All major paving work is targeted to be complete by the end of August with only minor finishing work and punch list items remaining. Finishing work includes but is not limited to: utility adjustments, roadway striping, shoulder grading, manhole adjustments and material testing.
On April 11, the mayor and Council approved a $4.72 million paving contract with CW Mathews to repave 58 city streets. At the end of the season, 10.7 miles of Brookhaven roadway will be either resurfaced or fully reconstructed. At the conclusion of this undertaking, nearly 28 percent of Brookhaven’s city roads will be less than four years old, according to city officials.
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