The devastating floods that hit Baton Rouge, Louisiana inspired local Brookhaven residents, the Brookhaven City Council and Thomas DeLadurantey of You Move Me Atlanta to spring into action to help those displaced by the natural disaster.

When Brookhaven Council Member Joe Gebbia heard that residents in his neighborhood, Todd and Leanne Bartlett, were collecting items for Louisiana flood victims, Gebbia and Mayor John Ernst along with the rest of city council decided to support the relief efforts. The Bartlett family had recently relocated to Brookhaven from Baton Rouge.

The collection drive was a success. “The residents of Brookhaven responded in a very big way and showed their caring hearts,” said Gebbia.

The council collected hundreds of donations such as food, pet food, school supplies, toys, clothing, towels, bedding, portable beds, car seats, furniture and cleaning items from local residents as part of a month-long relief effort for Louisiana flood victims.

And when DeLadurantey learned of the Brookhaven community’s efforts, “I was inspired by local residents,” he said. “Mayor Ernst had expressed that there was a need to transport the donated items to Louisiana, and I immediately volunteered You Move Me’s equipment and time to make it happen because I knew that was the best way I could lend a hand to an important cause.”

The You Move Me Atlanta team drove its 1,800 cubic-foot truck with all the donations to Walker, Louisiana, a city east of Baton Rouge.

These efforts left a lasting impression on DeLadurantey. “To me, home is bigger than the sofa in our living rooms. Home is where we work, live, and play, home is our community and it’s important to support our communities and lend a hand to where we can,” he said.

In other news: Devereux Georgia's 2016 Hope Event, held on Sept. 29 at the Marietta Country Club, raised over $50,000 for the nonprofit that provides treatment and services to children, adolescents and young adults struggling with emotional and behavioral health challenges.