A bride blames a College Park hotel for darkening her wedding day.
Shalita Harris told Channel 2 Action News that she and her bridesmaids were getting ready for her ceremony when the sprinkler system in their hotel room at the Westin Hotel near the airport kicked on and sprayed them with a black oily substance.
"Before we got ready to leave the room, we heard a big boom." Harris told Channel 2. "I felt like my life was going to end right then and there."
Harris said five members of the wedding party went to the hospital, mainly because of breathing problems.
Despite the mess, the bride walked down the aisle with just two of her eight bridesmaids.
"The sprinkler just came on and out of the sprinkler came black stuff," bridesmaid Jasmine Robinson told Channel 2. "How we got out is we just grabbed the blanket off of the bed and we all hovered underneath it in a line and we got out of the room," said Robinson, who wore her stained dress in the ceremony.
"They went out with a bang, a big bang, not necessarily a good bang, but a big one," Robinson said of the couple.
The Westin Hotel's general manager told Channel 2 off camera that only one room was affected and the cause was not known.
The College Park and Clayton County fire departments responded to the incident. They could be reached for comment.
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