The Town of Braselton Community Improvement District will vote at 4 p.m. July 8 at 3740 Village Way to set its 2020 millage rate. The proposed rate of 5 mills is the same millage rate for each of the past five years.
Braselton’s CID is uniquely situated among three counties. Depending on whether or not property values have increased, the same millage rate could result in an increase in commercial property taxes. For a Gwinnett property valued at $6,740,720 this would result in an 8 percent increase, or additional $2,449 in taxes. A Barrow county property valued at $4,191,946 maintaining the same millage rate of 5 mills could result in a 2 percent, or $502, decrease in property taxes. Hall county property owners would see an 11 percent increase
The Braselton CID is a public-private partnership created to promote commercial businesses, provide amenities and facilities to area residents and business owners, and create economic development within the district. Funding is provided through a self-imposed property tax.