The Upper School Math Team of Woodward Academy, led by math teacher Jeff Floyd, recently competed in the Furman University Mathematics Competition, winning two of the top three places in the Junior Division. The team competed against 40 schools from three states. Freshman Vamsi Gadde earned a perfect score and won first place. Other winners included freshman Carson Collins who earned third place and junior Matthew Torrance who received honorable mention in the Senior Division.


Emily Mowery, a high school English teacher at Armuchee High School in Rome, was named Teacher of the Year at the GCTE conference at Callaway Gardens. She is a 13-year veteran at Armuchee Mowery also heads the Key Club, which encourages volunteer work for students in UNICEF and Relay for Life, as well as teaching journalism, AP English, and gifted, regular and Honors English.


Lanier High School students are one of 24 teams in the nation to earn the Verizon Innovative App Challenge Best in Region honor. Each team receives a $5,000 cash grant for its school, and each team’s faculty adviser and up to two colleagues will participate in an online course: Teaching App Creation with MIT App Inventor, taught from MIT’s Media Lab’s Center for Mobile Learning. The Lanier High app concept - TagIt - is designed to help citizens inform local governments about hazards and along roads and walkways.


Georgia Women of Achievement posthumously honored Bazoline Estelle Usher at the 23rd annual Georgia Women of Achievement's Induction Ceremony held at Wesleyan College in Macon. The ceremony honors distinctive women who have made significant contributions in their chosen field. Usher, who lived to the age of 106, was Atlanta's first Supervisor of Negro Schools, and fought to obtain resources for the children under her watch.


Natia Esartia, a teacher at Dunwoody Elementary, recently led her orchestra group to "superior" marks on all three of their songs at the competition for the Georgia Music Educators Association District 4.


South Gwinnett High School's Dance Team recently competed against studios around the state in Showstopper, the largest dance competition in the country. Winning performances include: First place overall in Senior Performance Duet/Trio for "My Discarded Men," first place overall in Senior Performance Small for "Phoenix," and the dance program received a platinum award and five gold awards. In addition, Helen Samuel received fourth place overall in Senior Performance Solo, "Phenomenal Woman" received sixth place overall in Senior Advanced Duet/Trio and Chelsea Warren received 10th place overall in Senior Advanced Solo. This qualifies the team to move up to the Showstopper National Final competition.