If Ford Motor Co. deploys “connected” vehicles in 2022, as the automaker has promised, dozens of intersections in Alpharetta will be ready for them.

The Alpharetta City Council approved a change order allocating $308,000 to have its signals vendor, Temple Inc., buy and install connected vehicle devices at 44 intersections.

Earlier, in July, the city approved $300,000 for Temple to install preemptive signal equipment on 100 signals, staff said in a report to the council.

“The change order … is basically a pass-through,” staff said. Through a memorandum of understanding, the North Fulton Community Improvement District “is providing the city $308,000 to complete the installation of preemptive traffic signal hardware and connected vehicle capabilities.”

“Both systems allow pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles to be connected to each other,” staff said. “The city’s system requires one to download an app and have the app turned on, while NFCID’s system works off the same app as well as the future roll-out of Ford Motor Co. vehicles in the year 2022.”

Vehicles would communicate with each other using Ford's C-V2X (cellular vehicle-to-everything) technology – negotiating, for example, which one has the right-of-way at an intersection, according to media reports. The technology also could augment sensors of self-driving vehicles. Information: https://bit.ly/33jQAo9