The Alpharetta City Council has had the first public hearing and first reading of a $141 million budget for fiscal year 2020 that maintains the millage rate at 5.750 mills and the city’s $40,000 homestead exemption, which officials say will save homeowners $2.7 million a year.

The first reading took place Tuesday, May 28, and a second hearing and reading of the budget and millage ordinance are scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 3, at City Hall, 2 Park Plaza.

The budget calls for 8.5 new full-time equivalent positions, bringing the total city payroll to 452 FTEs; continues a 3 percent performance-based merit program, contingent on a mid-year review of revenue trends; and forecasts funding totaling $34 million for capital investment, including $4.8 million from general fund operations for recurring capital initiatives.

The document continues "the same high service levels our citizenry, business owners and stakeholders expect from our city," according to a staff budget summary. Information: