The Alpharetta City Council has approved intergovernmental agreements with the Fulton County Board of Education to place a community playground at one school and use the athletic facilities at another.

Alpharetta, with financial donations of $40,000 from Northside Hospital and $35,000 from the Resurgens Foundation, plans to build an accessible playground at Alpharetta Elementary School. Park development funds will cover the balance of costs – $25,000 for playground construction, and up to $30,000 for upgrades to the grounds.

The playground would open in August, be maintained by the city for 10 years, and be used as a city park during non-school hours.

At the Innovation Academy, Alpharetta would invest up to $250,000 initially for improvements to its football stadium and baseball and softball fields; spend an estimated $60,000 a year maintaining them, and pay expected capital maintenance costs of $50,000 and $75,000 at the 5- and 10-year marks. In exchange, the school district would let the city have primary use of the facilities for 10 years.