Acworth teen accused of breaking into 11 cars

Fingerprints linked an Acworth teen to a string of vehicle break-ins in a Woodstock neighborhood.

Matthew Thomas Murry, 17, faces 11 felony warrants for allegedly entering autos in the Deer Run subdivision off Towne Lake Parkway, Woodstock police said.

Murry's fingerprints matched those taken from four vehicles Dec. 4 when the crimes occurred, said Brittany Duncan, spokeswoman for Woodstock police. Investigators were unable to successfully get fingerprints from other vehicles, she said.

Personal items such as GPS devices and cellular phones were taken from vehicles, but have not yet been recovered by police. All of the vehicles entered were unlocked, police said.

Investigators determined that Murry did not have friends or family living in the neighborhood or any reason to be there, Duncan said.

Murry was already jailed on unspecified, unrelated charges, police said. He has been charged with 10 counts of entering auto and one count of criminal attempt to enter an auto for the latest crimes, police said.