Charter schools in Georgia that partner with businesses, institutions of higher learning or nonprofits can try to earn a cut of $19.4 million in competitive grants for innovative education programs aimed at improving student and teacher performance.

The money will come out of the $400 million in federal dollars that Georgia was awarded in the Race to the Top program last year. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics programs will get special consideration in the grant program, which Gov. Nathan Deal announced Friday.

"Georgia’s Race to the Top Innovation Fund will unleash some of our state’s greatest attributes, our entrepreneurial and creative spirits,” Deal said in a press release.

The grant program will be run out of the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget.

“In any year, this grant provides a great opportunity to pursue new ideas for improving education, but in tough budget times such as these, this grant is truly extraordinary," he said.

For more information, click on "Innovation Fund RFP" under "Related Links" at,2094,161890977_161981058,00.html.