ARC: More than half of Fulton residents would pay for more transit

More than half of Fulton County residents are willing to pay more in taxes to fund transit expansion, a new survey by the Atlanta Regional Commission shows.

The survey, released Friday, is a public opinion survey that covers the thoughts of metro Atlanta residents on everything from transportation to art and culture.

Results show 28 percent of Fulton County respondents think transportation is the biggest problem facing the region, followed by crime and education. Half say they think expanding public transportation is the best solution to the problem of traffic, while 56 percent say they’re willing to pay more in taxes to pay for it.

The survey also says that more than a quarter of Fulton County residents say they frequently lack the transportation to get where they need to go. And 90 percent of Fulton County residents say they’re paying too much for housing.

Additionally, 28 percent of Fulton County residents say they could only have the money for a $400 emergency by selling something or borrowing money, or they wouldn’t have the money at all. And 78 percent of Fulton County residents are satisfied with the art and cultural offerings in their community.

To read more about the metro-wide results, click here.