Many parents send their children off to college with warnings about being careful at frat parties and bars. But national data show that the greatest risk of sexual assault is in dorms and residence halls.
Andrea Anne Curcio, a Georgia State University College of Law professor, researches sexual violence issues, including campus sexual assaults.
“What no one is talking about is that most assaults occur in dorms and residence halls — a fact that should play a critical role in awareness and targeted prevention efforts,” says Curcio.
“Throughout the summer before my daughter left for college, I repeatedly warned her: never put a glass down at a party; use the buddy system when going to parties; and never go upstairs at a fraternity party,” she says.”Instead, what I should have told her is: the place you are most likely to be assaulted is in your dorm; you are most vulnerable the first weeks of the semester; and your attacker is most likely to be a friend or acquaintance.”
To read more about this issue and why it is often downplayed by colleges, go to the AJC Get Schooled blog on
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