In an effort to hear from constituents regarding what they believe to be the accomplishments, challenges, and aspirations for their cluster schools, the Gwinnett County Schools Board of Education has invited representatives to give presentations at regular meetings.

The Duluth Cluster represented District III at the Dec. 19 Monthly Business Meeting.

The cluster includes seven schools -- Berkeley Lake, Chattahoochee, Chesney, and Harris elementary schools, Coleman and Duluth middle schools, and Duluth High School.

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Duluth High School Principal Eric Davidson provided a brief introduction for the cluster's presentation which included remarks from a parent, a teacher, and a student. Primary themes emphasized throughout the speakers' remarks included:

  • The cluster's use of STEAM instruction and literacy, project-based learning, and community partnerships to encourage student collaboration and standards mastery and to provide real-world applications of curricular concepts;
  • The cluster's provision of additional time and remedial interventions to help ALL students learn;
  • The strength of fine arts throughout the cluster, including one of the largest orchestras in the state, a strong theater arts program, the first dance program at the middle school level, and music tech offerings at both the middle and high school level; and
  • The partnership between the city of Duluth and the area's schools.

In addition to the Duluth Cluster presentation, the Board heard from Jim Hall, a long-time Duluth community member, who spoke as a representative of and former parent in the Duluth community. In his own words he shared that he "bleeds purple". As he discussed the success of the cluster and its schools, he acknowledged the people who make Duluth special. "The teachers and administrators are heroes. The work they do is a remarkable thing to see,” he said. “My plea to you is to work with the schools to get the community involved in their kids' education. The more they are involved... the better the results."

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