The Union Grove Middle School chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America recently took part in a leadership conference in Athens where some of the students took top honors. Florence Gaillard, Anna Hearn, Kristen Miller and Cara Wimberly won first in the state and will compete at Nationals in July in Nashville. The school is in Henry County


Forty-two Fulton County schools students, representing 31 projects, recently won first place awards at the 2013 Georgia Educational Technology Fair in Macon. Sixty-four projects advanced from the Fulton-level fair to the state competition, with nearly half of those projects resulting in a first place finish. To be eligible for state competition, students had to win first place at the system-level fair.


The Paideia School junior high Academic Bowl team placed second in the state championship. After a preliminary round, the Pythons were seeded first in a field of 66 middle school teams and won four of five games in the single elimination playoffs. Team members are: Logan Casey, Emma Tucker, Julia Cornick, Moey Rojas, William Currey, Hannah Neiditz, Kenneth Neighbors, Miles Calderon, Emma Lin, Bronwyn Katz, Brooks Holcomb, Nathan Karnik, Colin Courtney and Matthew Schnell.


Brookwood High School and Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science and Technology won first and second place respectively in the State Science Olympiad at Southern Polytechnic State University. These teams will move on to represent the state at the National Science Olympiad at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio in May. Brookwood High has won five of the last six state championships.