Lava forms small piece of land off Hawaii's Big Island

A small island has formed off the coast of Hawaii's Big Island.

A small island has formed off the coast of Hawaii's Big Island.

Geologists confirmed Friday that a small island has formed off the coast of the Big Island of Hawaii thanks to the volcanic eruptions at Kilauea, Hawaii News Now reported.

The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory confirmed that the small island, measuring 20 to 30 feet in diameter, was located just a few feet off Kapoho, where lava from fissure No. 8 has been flowing into the Pacific Ocean. The small patch of land formed at the northernmost part of the ocean's entry and is "oozing lava similar to the lava oozing from the broad flow front along the coastline," Hawaii News Now reported.

Scientists believe the land is what they call a submarine tumulus, which built up underwater and emerged above sea level, KHON reported.