People who win a lottery jackpot have been known to scream. A winner in the Jamaican Super Lotto took it a step further, wearing a mask from the 1996 horror movie "Scream," the Miami Herald reported.
The person was identified only as A. Campbell on the check from Jamaica Lottery officials, and the winner showed up to claim his or her prize on Feb. 5, the newspaper reported.
The winning ticket was worth $158.4 million in Jamaican dollars, or $1.17 million in U.S. currency, WPLG reported.
In addition to the mask, the winner showed up wearing black gloves and a full-body cape to remain anonymous, the Herald reported.
"This is that happiness only a #SuperMillionaire knows about," the lottery commission tweeted, showing a video of the winner dancing while wearing the mask.
The winner waited 54 days to claim the ticket, WPLG reported.
This is not the first lottery winner in Jamaica to show up in disguise.
In June 2018, a woman identified as N. Gray wore a winking face emoji mask to collect her winnings, WFOR reported.
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