Delivery conditions have improved but some areas still have hazardous conditions and require delivery during daylight hours. We expect to complete most Friday deliveries today but we will be on a delayed schedule and some areas may remain inaccessible.
We invite you to stay informed with Today's Paper- our page-by-page digital edition that works on any device.
―For tablet or mobile users: access Today's Paper
―For those on desktops or laptops: access the AJC e-Edition
Read today's in-depth stories on travel conditions, tips for bracing the storm, response from local officials and how the airlines have dealt with the crush of cancellations.
Get updates around the clock from – our subscriber only site that showcases area photos, videos and bonus coverage. Read now for updated road closures, weather forecasts and an interactive map to check power outages in your area.
We will continue to be your trusted source for local news and information. Look to Sunday's newspaper for in-depth coverage including:
•how the region's performance in managing this ice storm
compared to Snow Jam
•the Governor's response
•and the current status of power outages across the metro area
We expect to return to normal delivery deadlines on Saturday.