High school volleyball coach accused of kissing, fondling student

A Cobb County high school volleyball coach is accused of kissing and fondling one of his players at school, according to his arrest warrant.

Justin Allen Blankenbecler, of Kennesaw, was arrested Thursday afternoon and charged with two counts of sexual assault, both felonies, and one misdemeanor count of sexual assault, Cobb jail records showed. He was being held Friday afternoon on $10,000 bond.

Blankenbecler, in his first year at Kell High School, is the coach for the junior varsity girls team, according to the school’s website. The alleged assault happened Wednesday afternoon and involved one of his players, according to his warrant, obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Under Georgia law, consent is not an eligible defense for those with supervisory and disciplinary authority over an alleged victim of sexual assault.

Blankenbecler, a special education teacher, is a Virginia native who earned undergraduate and graduate degrees from George Mason University, according to his online profile on the Kell website.

The Cobb County school system declined to comment on the arrest.