Daniel Ashley Pierce never clicks on the YouTube video. Watch the disturbing clip that went viral and made him a famous gay teenager, and you understand why. Posted online by a friend, it’s the recording of an intervention of sorts by kinfolk on his father’s side who curse and threaten Daniel before they cast him out of his home for being himself.
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Nearly 8 million people worldwide have clicked on the clip, even though there’s no actual video. Instead, there are only voices, an element that makes this family fallout even more surreal. It’s the voices of Daniel’s family, engaged in dialogue. The conversation starts respectfully, but quickly escalates to shouts, profanity and name-calling. In the end, punches are thrown.
It’s the type of scenario best kept within family confines, private. Instead, it got posted online for the world to judge. And even though Daniel has stopped tuning in to the video, it’s still with him.
Get the rest of the story here, and see a special video presentation with Daniel and view the original viral video. You'll also find more photos and a link to Lost-n-Found Youth.
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