If taking out your trash is the most exciting outing on your calendar, you might as well dress up and make the most of it.

This sentiment has inspired a Facebook group called "Bin Isolation Outing." With more than 700,000 members and counting, the group hosts people sporting costumes to do the most mundane of chores.

"It's somewhere where you can go and forget about all this virus stuff, that's all that's playing on our news at the moment. So to be able to go and watch some funny creative clips and photos of people taking out their rubbish is the best thing in my day to have a quick scroll," a member from Toowoomba, Australia, told CNN.

Danielle Askew of Harvey Bay, Australia, created the Facebook group as a joke with a friend, according to CNN. Askew dared her friend to dress up after hearing that taking trash to the bin "gave her a reason to leave the house."

Evidently the idea struck a chord because what started as an inside joke between two Australian friends now has inspired costumes around the world.

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In the Facebook group, clever costumes and creative puns abound.

“Their Highschool formal was cancelled due to COVID-19, but they didn’t want their dresses to go to waste,” one mom from Adelaide posted. “So, meet their dates Wheel-iam and Bin-jamin! Unfortunetly both boys turned up completed wasted, so the girls kicked them to the kerb and settled for a night of junk food and trashy TV.”

“Cruella de Bin , Littermates bin up to no good !!” said this user from Dublin, Ireland.


“Bonjour from Ottawa, Canada,” said this cute duo.

“When the best you can do for your 49th wedding anniversary is a date to the end of your driveway,” an Australian couple posted in the group.

»MORE: If you don't laugh, you cry: Coping with virus through humor

For many users, seeing the photos is more meaningful than just a short laugh on Facebook.

"I'm sitting here in my apartment grappling with the news of yet another death of someone I know personally from Covid. I'm from NYC... And now I'm having a giggle even as my eyes are filled with tears," Miriam Leichtling posted in the group after stumbling on the page. "Thank you for all of this. All of the silly posts. All of the finding humor in this weird weird time we find ourselves in. Its not about me, but for what it's worth, I really needed it tonight."

Sarah Jane Hurn of Derbyshire, England, found the best part of the page was seeing encouraging comments.

"Seeing the massive love being sent my way was just amazing. Every comment was full of love and support. I felt so happy, having made others laugh. It has completely recharged my soul and lifted me out of my funk," she told CNN. "It's been (a) wonderful experience, connecting with so many people during a time when I feel so cut off and alone."

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