As his daughter prepared to graduate from a Texas high school, Jason Gayler was rummaging through a stack of old photographs when one caught his eye. It showed Gayler walking his 5-year-old daughter, Brittany, to school on her first day of kindergarten.

Brittany is 18, and Gayler had an idea. He decided he would walk to school on May 25, her last day as a senior at Alvord High School. Father and daughter were captured again in a photograph; Brittany tweeted the photo alongside the original shot, Today reported and it brought a warm response from friends and family.

"It was very bittersweet walking with him,'' Brittany told Today. "It's definitely a moment I'm going to remember forever. When I posted the tweet and going back and forth through the pictures, it just amazes me how fast it goes by. It feels like yesterday that we were taking that first picture."

Brittany will attend Tyler Junior College in Tyler, Texas, to play softball and continue her education in the fall.

Jason Gayler, 38, said the reaction to the photograph has “been a bit shocking with a mix of happiness.

It brings me great joy if we were able to help people think back to that time, even if just for a brief moment, and smile,” he told Today. “I can hope one day when I'm old I can look back at this and smile."