Walton County lawyer, judge faces 12 child porn, enticing children charges

A Walton County lawyer, part-time judge and ex-special assistant attorneys general (SAAG) faces 12 charges of sexual exploitation of children, Channel 2 Action News reported.

George Randolph Jeffery, who goes by Randy, was arrested Friday amid a joint investigation by the GBI and FBI, Channel 2 reported.

Documents obtained by the news station indicate that most of the charges Jeffery faces involve photos or videos of child pornography, but one charge alleges that he used an email account to entice a child for indecent purposes.

A spokesperson for Attorney General Chris Carr sent Channel 2 a statement that said Jeffery had been appointed to serve as a SAAG, representing the Georgia Department of Human Services Division of Child Support Services in Walton and Newton counties.

“Attorney General Carr opposes any and all forms of child exploitation and abuse,” the statement said. “We hold our Special Assistant Attorneys General to very high standards. Given the circumstances, we terminated Mr. Jeffery’s appointment as a Special Assistant Attorney General immediately upon getting word of the arrest.”

Walton County Probate Judge Bruce Wright told the news station that he inherited Jeffery as an associate probate judge from the previous administration. He said Jeffery handled about one estate case for him a year for the past six years.

“A GBI agent and an FBI agent made me aware of (Jeffery’s charges) prior to the morning of his arrest,” Wright told Channel 2. “I was sad, I was hurt and I was mad all at once.”

Wright said he won’t assign Jeffery any cases while the charges are pending, and he’ll refer Jeffery to the Judicial Qualifications Commission for his removal as a judge if he pleads guilty or is found guilty of any of the charges, the news station reported.

Attorney Robbie Ballard told Channel 2 his firm represents Jeffery, and he intends to plead not guilty. He wouldn’t comment further on the case.

Because of his connections to the Walton County judicial system, Jeffery was taken to the Barrow County Jail, where he’s being held without bond, the news station reported.

In other news:

The crash happened along Jonesboro Road in Union City in south Fulton County Sunday night.