Video released in teen’s shooting death near Atlanta middle school

Atlanta police hope newly released video will help them figure out who killed a teenager last week outside a local middle school.

Deonta Evans, 19, was shot multiple times while riding a bicycle in front of J.E. Brown Middle School, several blocks west of the Georgia Dome near the Vine City neighborhood, on Jan. 13. The shooting was reported about 2:30 p.m, while students were still in class, and the building was temporarily put on lockdown.

A surveillance video released Wednesday shows a man in jeans and a sweatshirt running from the scene shortly after the shooting. Police said Wednesday they were “not ready to say that individual running is the actual suspect,” but added he matches the description of the shooter and they’d like to identify him.

Authorities said Evans’ death may have been the result of “some type of past history” between him and the unidentified suspect.

Neighbors previously told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that Evans lived about a block away from the spot where he was killed. Friend Jaiya Crosell, 19, said Evans had been trying to start a music career and was planning to enroll in a Job Corps training program.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Atlanta Police Department. Tipsters can also remain anonymous by contacting Crime Stoppers at 404-577-TIPS or

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