The 59-year-old Oregon man told the New York Daily News that he had been finding action figures, clothes and other oddities on his back porch and driveway, but didn't know where they were coming from. Kempas assumed that the items were coming from one of his cats, which are allowed outside during the day.

To find out for sure, he bought and posted a camera. The culprit? His cat Tigger.

Now, Kempas posts photos of the feline's finds to Facebook on a page called "Happy Kleptokitty."

"He's part of my daily routine now," Kempas said. "I get up, get my cup of coffee and see what the cat left in the driveway for me."

4-year-old Tigger has been bringing home his finds for the last three years.

Kempas says Tigger often fetches clothes, which are later sorted and donated to Goodwill stores.

To date, Tigger’s most interesting catch might have been a small bit of marijuana.

"It was just a little bud, but it was definitely weed. I'm sure he got that from over here by the high school," Kempas said. "I told him, 'You can't be bringing this stuff home!’”