Officer traveled to Roswell for child sex, cops say

Abraham Flores Galvan

Abraham Flores Galvan

A North Georgia police officer was fired after he was arrested and accused of traveling to a Roswell shopping center to engage in a sex act with a minor, authorities said.

Abraham Flores Galvan, who was a part-time officer with Tunnel Hill police, was arrested Thursday at the Woodstock Road shopping center with the help of North Fulton SWAT officers, Roswell police spokeswoman Lisa Holland said Friday in a statement.

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During an undercover operation targeting online child predators, Galvan “initiated contact with an individual identifying themselves as being a child under the age of consent” and arranged a meeting with the minor, Holland said.

Authorities immediately apprehended him on charges of obscene internet contact with a child and enticing a child to commit an illegal act.

Galvan is in the Fulton County jail, records show. He was fired Friday, according to a statement by Tunnel Hill police Chief Roy Brunson.

About 95 miles north of Atlanta, Tunnel Hill is located in both Whitfield and Catoosa counties.

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