Woman stabbed to death on Memorial Drive in DeKalb County

DeKalb County police spokesman Sgt. J.D. Spencer said the woman’s death remains under investigation.

DeKalb County police spokesman Sgt. J.D. Spencer said the woman’s death remains under investigation.

A woman was found stabbed multiple times and lying in the middle of a major DeKalb County road on Monday night.

Authorities rushed the victim to a local hospital after she was discovered on Memorial Drive around 11 p.m. The woman, who has not been identified, was pronounced dead at the hospital.

The stabbing happened in the 5000 block of Memorial Drive in a busy commercial district north of North Indian Creek Road and the Georgia State University Perimeter College Clarkston campus.

DeKalb County police spokesman Sgt. J.D. Spencer said the woman’s death remains under investigation. No suspects are in custody as of Tuesday morning.

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