Last year MARTA approved a timeline for expanding transit service in Atlanta. This week the agency will answer questions about one of the first big projects: the Capitol Avenue/Summerhill bus rapid transit line.
The region’s first bus rapid transit line is scheduled to open in 2024. Bus rapid transit lines operate much like trains, with exclusive lanes, limited stops and other features to keep buses moving. The proposed line would connect Atlanta’s Summerhill and Peoplestown neighborhoods to the southern part of Downtown.
MARTA will hold two online public information meetings on the project this week:
*6 p.m. Wednesday: To attend by phone, call 1-301-715-8592, Meeting ID: 818 8534 3278.
*Noon Saturday: To attend by phone, call 1-929-436-2866, Meeting ID: 895 3331 8825.
To attend one of the Zoom meeting events, register at the links above. MARTA will provide information about the project, then answer questions.
You can learn more about the Summerhill line here. You can learn more about MARTA’s Atlanta expansion plans here.
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