An Oklahoma company is marketing the Bodyguard Blanket, a bullet-resistant blanket designed to protect children during school shootings.

A video on the website of ProTecht LLC shows a half of the face of a menacing man who is lifting a revolver into the frame. It intones: "Crazed gunmen have entered our schools prepared to kill our children and teachers. . . . Every student and every teacher at every school should have the protection from tornadoes and school incursions that Bodyguard Blankets provide."

Another video on the site shows “9mm full metal jacket” rounds striking the blanket as an Oklahoma State engineering professor narrates.

The company is also marketing the blanket as protection for kids trapped at school during a tornado.

ProTecht says sells the blankets for $1,000 each, according to the AP. ProTecht’s website includes a “donate/protect lives” tab that enables visitors to contribute to the cause.

“Help us safeguard those you love and care for by donating dollars to purchase Bodyguard  Blankets,” it says.

Company executives told the newspaper the Oklahoman that outfitting each schoolchild with a Bodyguard Blanket is cheaper than building tornado shelters.