Item: North Druid Hills (DeKalb)
Mike Biggs is upset over a speed sign that deterred speeding and has been removed.
“I reside on the 2300 block of Clairmont Road at Pine Forest Drive in DeKalb County. The electronic speed signs on both sides of the street which displayed motorist speeds have been inoperative for over two months in spite of repeated calls to DeKalb County. Speeding on that stretch of Clairmont which is residential, is out of control. When the signs were operative, they registered some speeds as high as 65 mph. Generally, it appeared that the electronic signs acted as a deterrent to speeding,” he wrote.
Biggs added the signs have been removed and wants to see them reinstalled.
We sent the issue to DeKalb County and will keep you updated.
Days on the list: 2
Who’s getting it fixed: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen,
Update: Atlanta (Fulton)
We told you about Gigi Schwartz’s issue with a crossing light not working in late December.
“This crossing light at the intersection of East Rock Spring Road and West Sussex Road in Atlanta is not working,” she wrote.
Schwartz said the light has not been working for some time and wants it fixed for safety issues for pedestrians and commuters.
We sent the issue back to the city and will keep you updated.
Days on the list: 70
Who’s looking into it: City of Atlanta Department of Public Works Commissioner Al Wiggins Jr., 404-330-6240,
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