After months of careful consideration, the Milton City Council voted unanimously to expand the minimum lot width for future Agricultural (AG-1) lots from 100 feet to 150 feet at the building line.
According to Code Publishing, the AG-1 agricultural zone is established to provide areas where single-family residential development may be harmoniously integrated with agricultural pursuits. The zone is intended to allow the keeping of farm animals or accommodate equestrian-oriented residential developments while maintaining land parcels large enough to provide efficient and attractive development.
For Milton, the change only applies to new lots. The total size of these new lots will remain the same, at one acre or more, though they will appear less compact and narrow. The change is intended to provide more rural, bucolic views that are a distinct part of Milton’s identity.
Properties on cul-de-sacs can still be 100 feet wide instead of the minimum 150 feet to better preserve the tree canopy behind these lots.
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