Following a series of public hearings, the Suwanee City Council recently approved a $16,419,000 million Fiscal Year 2023 General Fund Budget.

The city anticipates an 8.6% increase in operating revenues as compared to the FY 2022 amended budget. This assumes the city will later approve maintaining the same millage rate as FY 2022 of 4.93 mills since property tax revenues are expected to increase by 19.3%. The city anticipates a 6.9% increase in operating expenditures.

Suwanee’s plan includes hiring a new full-time city planner and a part-time communication specialist over the next year. The city also anticipates executing its compensation study and pay for performance increases totaling approximately $631,500.

Other highlights of the budget include developing and implementing a Co-Responder Program at a cost of $75,000 and anticipates facilities and right-of-way maintenance costing $551,000.

Suwanee capital funding for FY 2023 totals $442,000 with investments in public works small equipment (mowers, aeration equipment, gator vehicles), police equipment (laptops, radios, audiolog, and in car video systems), replacement of two police vehicles, and computer aided dispatch software.

View the entire budget: