Lawrenceville has identified a general corridor for a greenway running along Shoal Creek between E. Crogan Street and Paper Mill Road. The city council recently approved a plan to apply for a Land & Water Conservation Fund Grant from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources to help fund the project.

This grant is awarded to local governments specifically for acquisition of park land, development of recreation facilities and renovation of existing outdoor recreation facilities. The Land and Water Conservation Fund Program is a federal program authorized by Congress. An estimated $10 million will be available to local governments during the 2022-2023 grant cycle.

The city plans to request the maximum $1 million in grant funding to study the area, design and possibly begin right-of-way land acquisitions for the trailway. If awarded, the city will be responsible for a 50 percent match or $500,000. These funds will be available using Special Local Option Sales Tax monies.