Gwinnett Police Foundation awards seven college scholarships

The Gwinnett Police Foundation recently awarded seven high school students $1,500 college scholarships.  Shown here is Mycah Baker, graduate of Bethlehem Christian Academy and members of the Gwinnett Police Foundation. (Courtesy Gwinnett Police Foundation)

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The Gwinnett Police Foundation recently awarded seven high school students $1,500 college scholarships. Shown here is Mycah Baker, graduate of Bethlehem Christian Academy and members of the Gwinnett Police Foundation. (Courtesy Gwinnett Police Foundation)

The Gwinnett Police Foundation recently helped seven high school students get a head start on their future academic success by awarding each student a $1,500 college scholarship.

The nonprofit GPF provides charitable and educational services to members of law enforcement, their families, and the communities they serve. Scholarships are awarded annually to the dependent children of active Gwinnett Police Department employees to reward, encourage, and assist students pursuing academic excellence and leadership.

The 2022 scholarship award recipients include Jenna McClendon, Loganville High; Tyler Williams, Walnut Grove High; Victoria Barnhart, Loganville High; Mycah Baker, Bethlehem Christian Academy; Austin Allred, George Walton Academy; Lexington Acevedo, Grayson High and Taylor Carlyle, Archer High School.

More information about the Gwinnett County Police Foundation and each student: