August is Water Quality Month and Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful is inviting the public to consider participating by becoming a part of their Adopt-A-Stream Program and taking part in the Yellow River Trash Bash.

While GC&B notes “the INCREDIBLE work Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources is doing on behalf of our community,” participants in the Adopt-A-Stream Program will be responsible for chemical and bacterial monitoring of one local stream and can alert officials if problems arise.

Join by registering to attend a couple of workshops to learn what needs to be done and GC&B will provide all the tools needed to collect and report findings. Registration:

While you’re at it, sign up to participate in the Yellow River Trash Bash 8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 10 at Gwinnett Yellow River Park, 3232 Juhan Road SW in Stone Mountain. The Yellow River Water Trail is about 50 miles long and runs from Gwinnett, through DeKalb, Rockdale and Newton counties before ending in Lake Jackson. Registration: