The Georgia Department of Driver Services Commissioner Spencer R. Moore recently announced the receipt of a Grant Award in the amount of $309,087.53 from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety to support, maintain and upgrade the State of Georgia Electronic Conviction Processing System, according to a press release.
GECPS provides a secure, electronic transmission of conviction data from Georgia courts to meet a Federally mandated time frame for posting convictions to individual driving records within ten days of adjudication.
“We will now also focus on updating systems, adding a webservice for smaller courts to submit conviction data while also expanding training and outreach,” said Commissioner Moore.
GECPS requires Georgia’s 903 courts to submit convictions in a standard format, and then correct and resubmit any convictions containing errors. Previous years’ funding from GOHS has helped DDS modernize and re-structure the GECPS program for a more secure, streamlined, and accurate process.
The new award funds the GECPS Outreach Program Manager, a web developer for program upgrades, and an auditor, who will work with courts to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the data submission process.
Funding for GECPS has allowed DDS to develop procedures that has reduced errors in conviction reporting to below 2.5%, train court clerks and Judges/Solicitors (virtually and in person) on GECPS and perform Desk Audits on non-compliant courts in the hopes of bringing them into compliance.
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