Future members of any Fayette County committee or ad hoc board must be approved by the full Board of Commissioners, based on an ordinance revision that was approved unanimously by the commission on April 22. The change was made at the request of Charles Rousseau after a transportation committee appointment was done internally. Lee Hearn currently serves on the transportation and water committees, and Eric Maxwell on the retirement committee. Several commissioners expressed concern about the possibility of undue influence by any commissioner on a committee, even though the state sometimes requires elected officials to serve.

Edge Gibbons made an addition motion to delete ordinance language allowing a commissioner’s designee to be appointed to a committee, which passed 5-0. A third motion to remove the current requirement for two commissioners to serve on the transportation committee after their current terms expire in March 2022 passed 3-2, with Rousseau and Maxwell against. Those two slots would then be filled by the commission using the regular nomination and approval process.