Fayette County is accepting applications to fill an unexpired term for a volunteer citizen member on its water committee. The advisory board consists of the chairman of the Board of Commissioners and the county administrator (or their designees) plus the water system director, planning director and three citizens appointed by the board. The county attorney and the water system’s consulting engineer serve as non-voting members.

The committee meets at 8 a.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month in Fayetteville to discuss and make recommendations for water system improvements, bid openings and any concerns about water quality and availability. The open term begins immediately and expires on Dec. 31, 2021; applicants must have lived in Fayette County for at least six months and agree to attend at least 80% of meetings.

Applications are in the public notice section of www.fayettecountyga.gov and must be returned to County Clerk Tameca Smith by Nov. 13. Information: 770-305-5103.