Fayette County Public Schools is accepting applications through Aug. 6 for the Superintendent’s Business and Community Leadership Program. The five-session training series is designed to equip adult volunteers with a working knowledge of the school system and prepare them for leadership roles in PTOs, booster clubs, advisory councils and related functions. Participants will meet 8-9:30 a.m. on Aug. 26, Sept. 23, Oct. 28, Nov. 16 and Jan. 13 in the Building A board room at 205 LaFayette Ave. in Fayetteville.

Sessions will focus on (in order) a district overview of programs, schools, attendance lines and organization; academics/curriculum, special programs and exceptional children; finance, including budgets and ESPLOST; governance, school board roles, leadership teams and state/federal regulations; and student achievement and demographics, including race and ethnicity. Applications are at https://forms.gle/Lk4Bw3d2hLwEnjgMA and more information is available from Kaye Sikes at sikes.kaye@fcboe.org or 770-460-3990, ext. 1024.