A recruiting fair and a rally will be held from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sept. 18 by the Douglasville Police Department.
The site will be the Douglasville Police Department, 2083 Fairburn Road, Douglasville.
For the Recruiting Fair, law enforcement agencies from all across the metro area will be recruiting on-site for police officers or sheriff’s deputies.
Douglasville Police Chief Gary Sparks and other local leaders will host the rally for peace, justice, accountability and unity.
“Chief Sparks advises this is our 2nd Annual Rally for Justice and Accountability where we are uniting with other law enforcement agencies to bridge the gap between police and the people we serve,” said Douglasville Police Sgt. Shannon Dean in an email statement.
“We want to discuss how we are holding our officers accountable and making sure we serve our communities in a nonprejudiced way,” Dean said.
“We will also have the opportunity for people to talk to other law enforcement agencies where they may wish to become part of law enforcement themselves. We invite them to come and make a change for the better,” Dean added.
Hot dogs and hamburgers will be served.
Masks are requested.
Information: Sgt. Shannon Dean at 678-293-1621 or deans@douglasvillega.gov
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