A survey is available to Douglas County residents and employees about the county’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP).
As the 2050 update, the plan will guide major long-term transportation investments in the county.
The survey is expected to take five to 10 minutes to complete.
Among the nearly 20 transportation challenges and opportunities listed in the survey are:
- construct new roadways, where needed, to improve connectivity
- widen major roadway corridors
- improve key intersections, adding turn lanes and traffic signals when warranted
- road maintenance - resurfacing, striping, signage
- beautification of existing roads such as improved landscaping, decorative mast arms/light poles or underground utilities
- make roadways safer
- add more sidewalks
- add more bicycle lanes, multi-use trails and other bike facilities
- add street lighting
- new bus service
- add more transit amenities such as improved pedestrian connectivity to bus stops (sidewalks, crosswalks, etc.), improved bus stops and bus shelters
- better access to commuter bus service to the Atlanta area
- minimize conflicts between heavy truck and personal vehicles
- minimize conflicts between freight trains and roadways
- maintain the character of rural roadways and neighborhoods
- transportation projects that promote economic development
- maximize the use of emerging technologies (for example, electric vehicle charging stations and intelligent transportation systems integration)
- preserve the environment
Survey: surveymonkey.com/r/SURVEY1-DCCTP
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