Avondale Estates residents enjoying the spring weather on Saturdays this month are likely to see a new sight on the City’s streets – the new Petersen TL3 Lightning Loader (aka “Knuckleboom Truck”) in action picking up fallen tree limbs and other yard waste, according to a press release.

This purchase, recently approved by the Board of Mayor and Commissioners, will greatly improve the efficiency of waste collection while also helping prevent potential injury to City workers, according to city officials.

Maron Frasier and Shawn Luttery (both pictured) have received training in the truck’s specialized controls, and will receive further on-the-job training May 15 and 22.

So, anyone who wants to see the truck in action from her front porch should make sure any limbs or heavy brush (not exceeding six feet length and four inches in diameter, please) are placed at curbside not later than 7:15 Saturday mornings.

Residents are encouraged to give Shawn and Maron a friendly wave if you see them!

Information: avondaleestates.org