For the 18th year, Marietta residents will see no increase in their property taxes.

Additionally, for the third consecutive year, Marietta residents will see a decrease in their property taxes.

The Marietta City Council voted on June 9 to adopt a balanced budget for Fiscal Year 2022, which begins July 1 and ends June 30, 2022.

The budget, which was recommended by City Manager Bill Bruton and Finance staff, was passed with no service reductions and no tax or fee increases, according to Marietta Communications Manager Lindsey Wiles.

Homeowners within Marietta city limits will see a decrease in their property taxes for the third year in a row since the city was able to reduce the tax rate applied towards the Franklin Gateway Redevelopment Bond, she added.

The General Fund budget pays for general government services, including police/fire services, parks/recreation programs, code enforcement, planning, development, streets and public works maintenance.

Marietta’s millage rate - that supports the General Fund governmental services - currently is 2.788 mills and will remain the same.

The city’s overall FY 2022 budget is $372.2 million, which includes $63.28 million for the General Fund budget.

Information: Marietta’s Finance Department/Budget Division at 770-794-5544