“Building Bridges” is an ongoing online series by the Cobb County Department of Transportation to help small businesses wanting to work with the county.

On-call contractors are needed for ongoing countywide construction projects, with bids due by Dec. 10. These two-year contracts have one single-year option. Project values range from $25,000 to $250,000.

So far, Cobb DOT has hosted two online lunch-and-learn events to help small businesses connect with prime contractors. Those 30-minute events took place on Nov. 5 and Oct. 8. Both presentations are available for download at CobbCounty.org/transportation/news/building-bridges-cobb-dot-small-business-event-series.

Contractors are required to register with BidExpress (https://www.BidExpress.com) for all Cobb DOT construction opportunities.

Register with BidNet Direct (bidnetdirect.com/Georgia/CobbCounty) to receive countywide bid notifications via email.

Email additional questions or suggestions to Stefanie.Taylor@CobbCounty.org.

Information for contractors: Jeff Neiswender at 770-528-3654 or Jeffrey.Neiswender@CobbCounty.org, 770-528-8400 or purchasing@CobbCounty.org, CobbCounty.org/purchasing