Commercial trash trucks and haulers for hire will need to make sure their trucks are covered or they will face fines in Cherokee County, according to a press release.

Chief Marshal Jamie Gianfala presented an ordinance amendment that would sanction haulers and their affiliated companies that fail to secure their truck coverings before traveling Cherokee’s roadways. In one month, the Marshal’s Office stopped 112 commercial trucks due to uncovered loads.

“We are not trying to pick on large commercial vehicles. ... We just ask them to do things the right way and secure the contents of their vehicles,” he told Commissioners who unanimously approved the legislation.

Gianfala said what the Marshal’s Office typically sees are the commercial trash-transfer trucks and junk removal services that are hired to haul away various household items from homes traveling with uncovered loads that distribute trash along the highways.

Fines collected for violation of this ordinance would go to the nonprofit, Keep Cherokee Beautiful.