AZ Pizza, Wings & Fish fails follow-up inspection

AZ Pizza, Wings & Fish in Marietta failed a follow-up health inspection because the temperature in one of the coolers was too high.

The inspector said the prep cooler was not keeping foods cold enough and recommended that it not be used until serviced. The foods inside – tandoori chicken, diced chicken, chicken breasts and marinara sauce -- were at unsafe temperatures and discarded.

Also, an opened package of deli bacon and other meats in the walk-in cooler were beyond the seven-day shelf life and were discarded.

Pineapple was stored uncovered in the prep top cooler, and tofu was uncovered in the walk-in cooler.

Multiple containers of employee foods were inside the coolers alongside food for sale.

Repurposed yogurt containers were used for other food items and had no labels.

Employees have yet to be informed of their responsibility to report transmissible health-related symptoms and illnesses.

AZ Pizza, Wings & Fish, 855 S. Cobb Drive, scored 57/U, down from 71/C on a routine inspection in June. It will be reinspected.