“Black Nativity” opens Dec. 1 through Dec. 18 on the Georgia Tech campus at the Ferst Center for the Arts, 355 Ferst Drive, Atlanta.

Hours and days are 8 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays; 2 p.m. Saturdays and 3 p.m. Sundays for this Gospel Christmas musical experience produced by Dominion Entertainment Group for the 10th year.

“Black Nativity” is an African-American telling of the Nativity story, based on the song play written by acclaimed African-American poet and playwright Langston Hughes.

Based in Atlanta, Dominion Entertainment Group produces theatrical productions, music events, recordings and films.

Tickets are available at BlackNativityAtl.com.

Prices are free for ages younger than 2 if sitting in a lap, $37 for mezzanine, $49 for rear orchestra, $59 for front orchestra and $75 for pit.

To learn about pricing for groups of 10 or more, email info@dominionent.org.

Parking is $10 in the Georgia Tech Student Center parking deck near the Ferst Center.

Visit the YouTube channel for “Black Nativity” at bit.ly/3Ewya82 or facebook.com/dominionent.