Recently engaged? New job promotion? Found a lucky penny on MARTA this morning? Share your victories — little or large — on The Vent.

Here are the top unvent posts from the past week.

1. "Please pray for Amy and Josh. Their home burned to the ground at 2:00 a.m. No one was hurt, but the house and all their belongings are gone." Like this vent? Vote here.

2. "Piano Red used to sing 'you got the right string baby, but the wrong yoyo'. I also loved 'I ain't no butter beans' to the tune of 'Just a Closer Walk with Thee'. Underground was such a fun place back then." Like this vent? Vote here. 

3. "I am multi-tasking at this moment. I'm watching TV, posting on the unvent, playing bejeweled and drinking coffee. I'm very fortunate, I am retired. Worked a lot of years to be able to do all this at once." Like this vent? Vote here. 

4. "I grew up in Tampa. We had the Dog N Suds (which by the way was across from the funeral home *she giggles*) and the skating rink. Dog N Suds and then skating. Great innocent fun." Like this vent? Vote here.

5. "GOD bless I got up this morning." Like this vent? Vote here. 

To see the vents that didn't make the cut, and to submit your own, check out The Vent's main page