“Be prepared … with a year’s supply of Thin Mints.”
Have you heard? That’s the Girl Scouts’ new and improved motto.
OK, not really. But it could be yours', if you're the lucky winner of the Girl Scout Cookies for a Year contest.
That's 52 boxes in all (c'mon, it's be prepared, not be greedy!) To enter, all you have to do is buy at least five boxes of Samoas, Do-si-dos or any of 6 other delicious cookie varieties currently being sold by dedicated local scouts. (Seven of the varieties will be available to the contest winner). Troops will have certificate codes at certain booths selling cookies in the area through mid-March; or you can visit the Buy Five Contest at www.GirlScoutsATL.org to enter without a code (you can also find it by clicking on "Buy Five Contest" under "About Girl Scout Cookies" on the web site).
If you’re looking for a place to buy cookies, booth sales are the way to go. Particularly around here, where the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta council — which actually covers 34 counties — now has its very own online cookie locator.
“The cookie zip code finder has helped thousands of cookie lovers track down their Thin Mints,” said Leslie Gilliam, communications manager for the council, which last year had listings for more than 5,000 local booths and also was No. 1 in the nation for digital cookie sales.